Movement as a portal: How I rebirth myself post break-up

As I rise from the rubble of old identities, I strip away what is not serving me & become who I am meant to be.

Only 3 weeks ago today… I decided to disconnect from an attachment my ego had severely latched onto. 

A partnership that was no longer aligned…

It was under the portal of the Scorpio full moon eclipse. 

There was no hiding

The subconscious came rising to the surface for me to face… illuminating all I needed to see, hear.. feel

I don’t know if there is a way that it could have been gentle

Just like the poisonous sting of a scorpion.

I was confronted with an atomic bomb of emotions.. 

Anger deeply rooted in sadness 

Fear deeply rooted in abandonment 

But I CHOSE to walk the path of love.

Love & respect for myself. 

To honnor what I know I deserve. 

That night.. after the break up. I taught my first ever yoga class here in Melbourne.

And while I guided the movement.. 

it was the 33 souls in that temple of light 

That held space for me. 

Without knowing a thing

They reminded me that I’m not alone.. I’m never alone. 

And that every single person in that room could relate to what I was feeling 

And so we moved.. we danced.. we breathed.. through it


Collectively, transmuting sadness into light.. into love

Movement has been my portal to rebirth, time and time again. 

For me it’s not about teaching the perfect class. It’s about the experience. The ceremony that is the movement. The connection to a force, a frequency that allows us to remember. 

What’s actually important. 

I will pour this new found love for myself into my creative projects.

Into my healing. Into my other relationships.

What I learn from this metamorphosis is already weaving its way into our next Celestial Soul Bali retreat in November!

Learn all about it here

I’m here for you.. just like all of you have been there for me.

Thank you for holding me.

All the love



Cosmic Serpent Wild Goddess Retreat begins tomorrow!