Reiki Level 1 + 2 Attunements

With Reiki Master Taylor Hunter

Upcoming Attunements

Reiki Level 1: Awaken the healer within

Date: TBC
Location: Condesa, Mexico City
Exchange: $250 USD
Only 4 spots per course.

Sign up here

Reiki Level 2:
Share the light

Date: TBC
Location: Condesa, Mexico City
Exchange: $350 USD
Only 4 spots per course.

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Join Reiki Levels 1 + 2 for $550 USD.
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Usui Shiki Ryoho

The Usui System of Reiki Healing

Level 1: Shoden

Awaken the healer within

Reiki level 1 is for those ready to remember their innate power to heal themselves. In Reiki level 1 we explore the foundations and principles of Reiki, it’s history, ethics, energetics and along with how to use Reiki as a healing modality for yourself. In essence, this level is all about making a commitment to your health and wellbeing, reconnecting to your spirit and inner light and harnessing your ability to heal through the practices and principles of Reiki.

Reiki 1 Includes:

- Reiki Level 1 Attunement
- Cacao ceremony
- History + fundamentals of Reiki
- Reiki principles
- Ethics of Reiki
- The chakras
- The aura
- Reiki hand placements
- Developing your intuition through Reiki
- Meditations using Reiki
- Reiki for pets and plants
- Creating a sacred Reiki ritual
- Level 1 manual
- 21 day integration guide
- Level 1 Certificate
- Lifetime support and guidance

Level 2: Okuden

Share the light

Reiki level 2 is for those who want to deepen their connection with Reiki and also begin sharing it with others as a practitioner. In this level you will receive your second attunement, learn 3 of the sacred Reiki symbols, learn how to give a Reiki session to others, learn how to give distance reiki sessions and send reiki to events, past present and future.

Reiki 2 Includes:

- Reiki Level 2 Attunement
- Cacao ceremony
- Receive 3 sacred Reiki symbols
- Learn how to give Reiki to others professionally
- Learn how to send Reiki from a distance
- Learn how to send Reiki to events past, present and future
- Ethics of Reiki
- Creating your unique Reiki offering
- Using Reiki with other modalities
- Level 2 manual
- 21 day integration guide
- Level 2 Certificate
- Lifetime support and guidance

Facilitated by Taylor Hunter

Reiki Master + Yoga & Meditation Teacher

A teacher of presence, self-love and the feminine way, Taylor is dedicated to guiding others back home to themselves through the sacred practices of Yoga and Reiki. Over the past 12 years she has embarked on a journey of self healing, spirituality and personal growth. Taylor is a forever student of the spiritual and esoteric realms along with what it means to be human. It’s her honour to be of service to others and to create experiences and trainings that facilitate connection, growth and healing.

 More details

  • Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing modality that works to harmonize your entire being; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

    A Japanese word, ‘Rei’ means ‘universal’ ‘cosmic’ or ‘higher power’ and the work ‘ki’ means ‘life-force energy’ or ‘spirit energy’ so the word Reiki can be translated to ‘Universal life-force energy’.

    Reiki energy vibrates at a higher and faster frequency than the energy flowing through us in our dense bodies. So when it is delivered to us through gentle hands-on touch it moves through any blockages or dis-ease within us to restore equilibrium.

    It is not a religion but rather a spiritual practice and way of living focused on creating peace and harmony within and without us resulting in a more peaceful world.

    Reiki also encourages a life of self-development, gratitude, compassion and integrity through its 5 principles or tenants.

    It also encourages its practitioners to meditate and practice Reiki on themselves daily to promote overall health and well-being.

  • A Reiki attunement is a sacred initiation to the Reiki frequency. It empowers the individual with the ability to access Reiki energy anytime, for the rest of their life.

    We all have the ability to access Reiki but it takes a Reiki master to attune you to the frequency and, in addition, your commitment to Reiki as a way of life to channel it.

    You can think of an attunement to Reiki as a commitment to your personal growth, inner peace and self healing.

  • Reiki is universal cosmic energy and is not bound by space or time. Using the sacred distance Reiki symbol, intention and visualization I will connect to you on an energetic and spiritual level. The attunement process will be exactly the same as an in-person attunement.

  • Yes! You don’t need to have any pre-knowledge of Reiki to receive an attunement, just an openness and willingness to learn, receive and grow.

  • Reiki Level 1 or Reiki first degree is the first attunement and training that is all about your personal connection to Reiki and self healing.

    Reiki Level 2 or Reiki second degree is the second attunement or training is the practitioner level and it’s focused on giving reiki to others and sending it to people, events or places past, present and future.

    Your must complete Reiki Level 1 before Level 2.

  • After your attunement you are required to practice reiki on yourself for 21 days to strengthen your connection to the energy and develop a daily habit of practicing reiki. During this time you will go through a detoxification as the Reiki works to rid your being of anything not needed anymore. Your body will also be adjusting to be able to channel the energy, so you may need to rest more as it integrates. During this time you may feel more connected to your spiritual essence and intuition than ever before.

  • You will receive a certificate of completion and of your attunement level after you complete the training.

Testimonials from past trainings:

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