New Moon in Leo

Greetings cosmic brothers and sisters!

The sun is now happily making it’s voyage through it’s home sign - Leo.

And today we have a powerful New Moon in Leo - join me for an online yin yoga class to harness the energy and lessons of this new moon (available as a reply).

Leo, the proud and courageous lion of the Zodiac, is a fixed fire sign associated with the heart and ruled by the sun.

Leo is our inner radiance and represents the light we are here to share with the world.

In the Tarot Leo is linked to the Strength card, which says a lot about the energy and message of this sign.

Leo season is all about owning our authenticity, expressing ourselves creatively, being bold & brave, embracing play and pleasure and totally loving up on our friends, family and community.

However, this month we are experiencing a more introspective and reflective Leo season with Mercury stationing retrograde alongside August 4th New Moon.

This calls for us to honour the need to rest, reflect and receive and serves as a reminder that we can’t move forward without integrating the lessons of the past.

Remember - retrogrades are here to support us and are not to be feared. They offer an opportunity for us to get clear on what is and isn’t working in our lives - in business, friendships, relationships.

August 4th

Key themes:
Courage, Creative Self Expression & Heart Centered Leadership

New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle. They are a potent time to plant seeds of intention and to get clear on what it is we want to call in, create and manifest.

Taking place in Leo this new moon urges you courageously take leadership of your life.

It is asking you to consider the life you are creating and choosing for yourself.

It is asking you to step fiercely into your unique souls expression and to no longer hold back from shining your light in the world.

Leo reminds us to embrace our inner child and see life as a big playground that we get to explore.

Leo teaches us to have fun along the way and to take our passions and pleasures seriously.

Leo encourages us to boldly take up space.

Nobody truly knows your heart except you.

Nobody defines you expect you.

Leo is giving us the courage to declare who we are, and to take action towards creating the life we came here to live.

On this new moon we are considering how we are dimming our light, hiding our true nature or playing small.

It is asking us to reflect on the fears that may be holding us back from fully stepping into and owning our uniqueness.

“Fortune favours the brave” is a quote that comes to mind on this new moon.

Abundance is your birthright. And it’s waiting for those who are courageous enough to fully own who they are, face their fears, and claim their sacred soul legacy.

You are the creator of your life.

You are the master of your destiny.

By you taking heart centered action, you light the way for others.

This new moon is a call to action towards your higher purpose and unique self expression - are you going to answer it?

Remember, you are here on earth now for a divine reason and the world needs you as you.

Journal Questions for the New Moon in Leo:

- What aspects of myself am I hiding or dimming?

- What relationships, situations or experiences are not supporting the full expression of me?

- How can I lean more into my authentic self?

- How can I bring more creativity, play and pleasure into my life?

- What dreams and desires does my heart truly hold?

- If I had no fear what life would I create for myself?

Sending love, peace and blessings to you on this New moon.

Taylor xx


The Art of Slow Living