The Art of Slow Living

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
- Lao Tzu

Could slowing down be the key to living a more happy and fulfilled life?

Could doing less actually create more in your life?

I know, the concept sounds totally counterintuitive to the logical mind.

But that’s because to understand and practice slow living you need to come out of the mind and into the heart, and return to a way of living in which your feminine, yin energy leads.

Slowing down has been a big part of our healing journeys at Cosmic Serpent - which is why our Serenity Retreat is dedicated to honouring and embracing a more yin way of life.

It’s quite the opposite to how we live in our modern world, where success is often based off how intellectual we are, or much we have achieved materially, or how hard and long we work…

Rather than how happy, peaceful or at ease we feel.

What usually happens is that when people reach that certain definition of success that they had in their mind, they still feel deeply unsatisfied with their life.

And from all the doing, and no time simply being, we are left feeling bitter, frustrated and burnout, with no connection to spirit, our innate creativity and unique souls purpose.

So what’s going on?

It seems to me that as a society we have lost touch with the power and necessity of our Yin energy - the side of us that is receptive, intuitive, soft, still, imaginative, relaxed, contemplative, nurturing and patient.

And this is where slow living comes in - we intentionally slow down to help harmonise our yin/yang energy so we can exist in the world feeling a lot more balanced.

For women this is vital as naturally we have a 28 day (approximately) hormonal cycle that causes fluctuations in our energy levels, mood, physicality and our thoughts. We also have a built in period each month where we are designed to rest.

Why slow living?

Slow living helps to reduce stress and anxiety through mindfulness and presence. By slowing down, we can better manage our mental, physical and emotional health, avoid burnout and live more fulfilling and purposeful lives. The practice of mindfulness - whether through meditation, yoga, or simple breathing exercises - anchors us in the present moment, allowing for a deeper a connection with ourselves, others and the divine.

From being, doing arises.

Slow living teaches us that correct yang energy arises from yin - only when we are calm, grounded and intune with our inner world can we discern the best use of our yang energy and move from being to doing.

Benefits & Practices:

Sacred Self-Care

Incorporating rituals and self-care practices that honor the body and spirit is a powerful way to embrace your yin energy. Activities such as moon rituals, yin yoga, cacao, herbal baths, sound healing, vocal toning, Reiki energy healing, and self massage, can be integrated into a slow living lifestyle. These practices help you reconnect with yourself on a deep soul level and we will be exploring them in depth on our Serenity Women’s Retreat.

Conscious Breathing

The simplest and most accessible way to drop into a slower pace is through the breath. Breathing into the belly activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest system) signalling to the brain and body that it’s safe to slow down and relax. Making your exhale longer than the breath in also helps to calm the mind and slow your heart rate.


A daily meditation practice is key to living more mindfully. It encourages you to completely stop and be still - to listen, feel and observe all that is happening within and without you. Remember that there is no good or bad meditation - the practice is to just show up and observe.
Meditate with us: Here are two 10-min meditation practices guided by Taylor: Body-scan + Mantra Meditation.

Intuitive Living

Slow living promotes tuning into your intuition. By slowing down you can come out of your mind and into your heart and make decisions that honour what you truly want, need and desire. Practices such as meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature enhance this intuitive connection.

Cultivating Quality Relationships

Slow living allows us to cultivate better listening skills leading to more meaningful relationships with others - a crucial aspect of our wellbeing. This intentional approach to relationships helps to build stronger bonds and supportive networks, enriching our lives with loving connections and a sense of belonging. Our retreats offers the perfect setting to build long lasting, authentic friendships with like-hearted souls from all over the world.

Simplifying and Decluttering

It’s time to replace ‘Hustle and grind’ for flow and harmony. Gone are the days of over committing, rushing from one thing to the next and pushing yourself to the limit. Simplifying your life by reducing your commitments and decluttering physical and mental spaces can help you relax and focus on what’s most important. By reducing unnecessary stressors, we create more time and energy for activities that bring joy, peace and connection.

Enhancing Physical Health

Incorporating practices such as stretching, walking in nature, sensual dancing, somatic movement and mindful eating into your day can significantly improve how you feel in your body along with your sleep, skin and digestion. By listening to your body and honoring your natural rhythms, you can relieve feelings of stress and restore your inner glow.

Harmony with Nature

Yin energy is closely connected to the earth and it’s natural cycles. Connecting to the earth is deeply soothing for our entire being. Whether it’s strolling through the park, watching the ocean or admiring plants and flowers we do it with awareness and curiosity. Time in nature also reminds us to honour the seasons and cycles within us. Xinalani, the location for our Serenity Retrat is the ideal spot to disconnect from the modern world, and reconnect to wisdom and healing essence of mother gaia.

Ready to embrace the slow life?

If a change of pace sounds like what you need then we invite you to join our Serenity Retreat September 21st - 28th 2024 at Xinalani in Mexico.

Taking place on the Autumn Equinox in Libra season, this retreat offers a healing sanctuary to slow down, rest and regulate your nervous system.

As we transition from one season to the next it’s a powerful moment in time to reflect, receive and re-fill your cup.

Gather with us on sacred land and reconnect to your true self, your intuition, the wisdom of your body and the natural world.

Your hosts, Taylor and Rachel, will guide a variety of unique and intentional classes and workshops on the retreat.

With a daily morning ritual of meditation, breathwork, contemplation and movement, along with special offerings of Reiki, womb wisdom, tantra, vocal activation and sound healing, you will leave feeling grounded and at peace.

It is our intention to equip you with accessible tools and practices to implement into your life after the retreat.


“The Cosmic Serpent retreat was exactly what I needed. It allowed me to fully open myself up for healing, emotional release and new opportunities. I would recommend this retreat to any woman looking for a new experience in a safe, uplifting environment.
Once in a lifetime retreat, worth more than 100% of the cost.”
~ Samantha
June 2023 Retreat Guest


New Moon in Leo


Capricorn Full Moon