24th - 31st May, 2025

Hello goddess!

This is your pre-release invitation to our 4th annual
Wild Goddess Retreat.

Before releasing to the public, we are sending out invitations to past guests and members of the global Cosmic Serpent community who we know will bring the right energy to the group.

This retreat is for women ready to honour and embrace the sacred feminine force that exists within them.

Over 8 transformational days we will draw inspiration and wisdom from different goddess archetypes from various ancient cultures and traditions such as Kali, Lilith, Ixchel, Isis and Aphrodite.

You will feel seen, supported and heard in a sisterhood of like-hearted women from all over the world.

Tend to your body, mind and soul through our unique offering of yoga, dance, vocal toning, Reiki, Tantra, meditation, tarot and womb wisdom practices.

This retreat is your invitation to embrace a more sensual way of living rooted in pleasure, play and self-love.

Your portal to deep healing and feminine empowerment awaits.

We welcome any woman ready to reclaim their wildness and reunite with their goddess nature.

With love,

Taylor, Georgia & Rachel

Pre-release tickets start at just $2,675 USD all inclusive - scroll down for all the details!


Puerto Vallarta

Where the jungle meets the sea

The Wild Goddess retreat takes place on a private beach on the pacific coast of Mexico. Our retreat home is cradled by majestic mountains and nestled between the jungle and the ocean.
Located 12 miles south of Puerto Vallarta airport and only accessible by boat, it’s the ideal destination to rest, receive and reconnect to your feminine power.

Xinalani Women's Yoga Retreat



Mexico’s leading wellness resort

This will be our 7th retreat at Xinalani - a world class eco-luxe resort. Situated in the jungle on a pristine private beach, it's the perfect meeting place for those dedicated to spiritual transformation and personal growth. Xinalani provides all the comforts you need to experience a restoring week away while still appreciating and embracing it’s natural surroundings. Alongside their luxury ocean view rooms, Xinalani boasts 5 yoga shalas, a day spa, an infinity pool, a traditional Temazcal sweat lodge and a full restaurant to keep you fuelled and nourished for the week.


“The Wild Goddess Retreat was one of the most transformative experiences I have ever had. This was truly the best investment in myself. Taylor, Rachel and Georgia cultivate a transcendent space for women to connect, share, release and empower each other in all our wild goddess power. I knew when attending this retreat that I had work to do but nothing prepared me for the level of healing and growth that was opened to me through the workshops, yoga and movement classes. I came out with a profound connection to myself, sisterhood and our feminine energy. A common quote during the retreat was “my sister speaks for me” an authentic connection that we all felt together, we all have stories within us, some we may not always be prepared to share and the Wild Goddess retreat was that place for me. To feel seen and supported among women from all walks of life is something I will hold deeply to my heart. I had the power all along, thank you Cosmic Serpent for guiding me within.”
~ Hannah
May 2024 Retreat Guest

Meet your guides

  • Women's Yoga Retreat Breathwork Facilitator

    ☼ Leo ☾ Taurus ↗ Taurus

    Yoga + Movement Teacher
    Cacao Ceremonies
    Astrology + Photography

    Georgia is a creative soul with a fiery passion for music, movement and astrology. She seamlessly weaves together what she loves and shares it vibrantly with the world. It’s her mission to illuminate peoples cosmic identity through her photography and film. Informed by the clients unique birth chart, her photos capture their authenticity and multidimensionality. Georgia, also a yoga teacher, guides uplifting, liberating and inspiring classes, that challenge you physically, balance your yin yang energy and help you step into your higher self.

  • Women's Yoga Retreat Yoga Teacher

    ☼ Cancer ☾ Capricorn ↗ Virgo

    Vinyasa + Yin Yoga Teacher
    Reiki Master
    Meditation + Mindfulness

    A teacher of presence, self-love and the feminine way, Taylor is dedicated to guiding women back home to themselves. With over 9 years of professional yoga teaching experience and 800+ hours of training in vinyasa, yin, meditation and reiki she is a forever student of the spiritual realm and what it means to be human. Her yoga classes are delivered straight from the Heart weaving together movement, music, breath and stillness. It is her honour to be of service to others and to create spaces for women that facilitate healing, connection and growth.

  • Women's Yoga Retreat Vocal Guide

    ☼ Aires ☾ Cancer ↗ Gemini

    Vocal Alchemy Guide
    Tantra Teacher + Sound Healer

    Rachel is a guide for sensual souls and modern mystics. Rachel’s offerings often work with voice, sound, music, energy, tantra & self-expression. She is an energy alchemist who loves nothing more than to help women drop into their embodied pleasure, see themselves clearly and express their soul’s gifts with abundance and ease. Rachel spent the last decade devoted to creativity, travel, personal development, psychic development, spiritual studies, the pleasure path and the path of the Goddess.

The practices

At the heart of all Cosmic Serpent retreats is movement, sound, mysticism, connection and energy.

Our experienced guides, Taylor, Georgia and Rachel will guide you through their own unique classes and workshops weaving in music, philosophy, breathwork, meditation, sound healing and Reiki.

Discover more about our classes by clicking on a link.

  • Move your body, free your mind. Freedom Flow is a creative and dynamic Vinyasa yoga. Expect a liberating journey of movement, music and meditation. Each class will move through an intelligent series of postures designed to stretch and strengthen the physical body, calm the mind and release stagnant emotional energy. You will be dropped into a deep state of flow and emerge feeling balanced, calm and restored. Step out of your comfort zone. Remember your potential. Grow your yoga practice.

  • Medusa Movement is a liberating movement journey for those looking to feel more empowered on the dance floor & in the way the move through life in general. This workshop focuses on uniting us as a collective and activating our energetic body through various embodied modalities.

    Together we will sync our breath & movement with the rhythm of music, sensually flow through vinyasa style yoga, and then be set free into estatic dance. 

  • Peace Portal is a blend of yin postures, calming breath work and sound healing enhanced by Reiki energy healing. Through deep release yin, introspection and stillness we will calm the nervous system, observe the mind, release tension in the body and reconnect to our inherent feminine energy; that which is surrendered, receptive, and at peace with just being. This class will leave you feeling like you’re floating on a cloud.

  • A soothing blend of slow, sensual and mindful movements, deep stretches, dance and gentle breath work to release stress and discomfort from the body and ease the mind. Drop into deep rest with a sound bowl savasana.

  • Rhythm Release is part dance party, part moving meditation, part space of radical self expression. A movement practice to shake and shift anything stagnant or stuck in our physical body. Release your fears and connect to your inner rhythm and the rhythm of the universe. Explore your body, shift emotions, feel into your life force, scream, laugh, and come home to your earthly temple.

  • Connect to your authentic voice and release any blockages you have around being heard and expressing yourself and your truth. Your voice is your own internal sound healing instrument and on the retreat you will practice activating it and learn how to use it as a self healing tool. In these group sessions expertly guided by Rachel we will practice different techniques such as vocal toning, free singing, and chanting mantras to unlock a deeper connection to our unique voice and experience the healing nature of our own internal vibration.

  • Reconnect to the power and wisdom of your womb and what it means to be a cyclical being.

    In this group workshop you will learn all about your cycle along with the different cycles and stages of being a women.

    This workshop isn't just for those who are still experiencing a menstrual cycle - it is for all beings with a womb.

    We will dive deep into what it means to be a womb-man and share our own stories and insights.

  • Infusing tantric principles of breath, sound, movement, and sensuality, the Wild Goddess Retreat Tantra Temples are designed as a safe space to express, see yourself in a new light, connect from the heart + soul and move energy so that you can be even more yourself. Within these spaces we surrender to the mystery and open up to infinite possibilities.

  • Yoga Nidra is a meditation also known as “yogic sleep”. The practice draws our attention inwards and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep. Our body finds its natural state of equilibrium (homeostasis) – the breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.

    Through the practice we start to feel our interconnected wholeness and become aware of our true, unified nature – expansive, inclusive, and deeply restful. 

    Yoga Nidra takes us effortlessly into a state of harmonious, restful being. From here, we can be healed, restored and awakened to our deepest, all-knowing, all-welcoming self.

  • Ceremonial Cacao is an ancient plant medicine, a heart opener, wisdom keeper and guide that unlocks powerful universal knowledge from within you. We will sit together in circle and set intentions for our ceremony before moving into a movement practice or ecstatic dance a highlight of our Cosmic Serpent retreats.


“This was my first time attending a retreat. I was nervous while searching for the right fit, but after speaking with Taylor (who was incredibly warm and responsive to all of my questions and concerns), I knew this was the one for me. In regards to the retreat itself, the location was amazing, and everything was well thought out and coordinated. I felt totally safe, nourished and supported in every way. The women leading the retreat created a wonderful balance of group healing activities while allowing room for integration and free time. This was truly an experience of a life time that I wish would never have had to come to an end, but I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it. Rachel, Georgia and Taylor (along with all of the women in attendance) have changed my life for the better, and will always have a special place in my heart.”
~ Miriam
May 2024 Retreat Guest

Women's Yoga Retreat Xinalani

Nourishing wholefoods

As a complete wellness experience, all meals are included. For the whole week you can relax knowing your health needs will be met through a nutritionally diverse menu.

Expect an abundance healthy and fresh meals creating with love using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients.

Enjoy local Mexican specialties, tropical fruits and fresh fish caught that morning from the ocean. On the final evening we will gather on the beach for a Mexican fiesta.

All dietary requirements can be catered for and unlimited tea, coffee and fresh water are included.


1:1 Offerings

Enhance your retreat with a private transformational experience with Taylor or Rachel.

1:1 offerings can be added at the time of booking and limited spots are available.

Click on links to read more about our offerings.

  • Work 1:1 with Taylor to explore your unique energy and souls purpose in this lifetime. In this offering you will receive a full interpretation of your Human Design chart including your energy type, authority, profile, gates, channels and incarnation cross. Using Human Design + The Gene Keys we will navigate any challenges or blockages you may be experiencing. You will receive tools specific to your design so that you can reconnect to your inner guidance system and a way of being that feels aligned and expansive for you.

    $222 - 60mins

  • Join Taylor for a deeply calming and restorative energy healing session. Reiki is a holistic healing modality that works to harmonise your entire being. Using gentle touch Reiki energy is passed through the hands and into you. The calming effects linger long after the treatment. This offering weaves in gentle breath-work, meditation, visualisation, sound, oracle guidance and essential oils for a full sensory experience.

    $133 - 45 mins

  • Work 1:1 with Rachel to unlock your natural, dynamic voice that will help you embrace your essence, tap into your creative potential, inspire others and live in alignment with your highest truth. Combining modalities such as self-sound healing, toning, crystal bowls, tuning forks, breath, reiki, visualization & somatic movement you will be guided on an inner journey of presence and healing so you can ultimately express the full multi-faceted Wild Goddess that you are.
    $222 - 60mins

  • Join Rachel for an uplifting and insightful Tarot card reading. This 45 minute private session uses tarot, oracle cards, coaching and intuitive guidance to offer you perspective and help you determine and uncover your soul’s essence and calling(s) here on Earth. You receive insight and are empowered to choose the life you’re most inspired to live.

    $133 - 45mins

  • Georgia focuses on empowering her clients, to feel embodied and confident in their skin. Georgia works real people who have absolutely no modelling experience & utilises embodiment practices that she's created, to help her clients feel calm, empowered and literally GLOW in front of the camera.

    Feminine Empowerment Photoshoots with Georgia are a powerful self love experience exclusive to our Wild Goddess retreats.

    $555 - 1hr

Past retreat photoshoots


“This retreat completely changed my life. I honestly believe that every woman should partake in a Cosmic Serpent retreat at least once a year! To become balanced and rid yourself of everything that we as women hold on to. Taylor and Georgia have truly found their calling and I hope they continue to host retreats because they are tapping into peoples souls and uplifting them. I seriously can’t even put into words just how grateful I am for them!”
~ Amber
November 2021 Retreat

Sample Schedule

A day on the Wild Goddess retreat

8am: Vocal activation, meditation, tarot
9am: Goddess inspired practice
10am: Breakfast
12.30pm: Womb Wisdom workshop
2.30pm: Lunch
3.30pm: Free time
6pm: Yin Yoga, Reiki, Sound Bath
7pm: Dinner

Watch the magic:

What’s Included

7 nights of eco-luxe accomodation at Xinalani

Return taxi + boat transfers from Puerto Vallarta airport

3 x daily nutritious meals

Cosmic Serpent gift bag (worth over $300 USD)

Vinyasa + Yin Yoga

Dance + movement


Vocal activation

Daily breathwork

Reiki energy healing

Sound healing

Tantra self love workshops

Women’s circles

Womb Wisdom workshop

Fresh water, tea, coffee


“The Cosmic Serpent retreat was hands down been the best gift I have ever given myself. The moment I sat in the opening circle on the first day I just knew I made the right decision to come. I was able to share, form genuine connections, be seen and heard, transform, surrender, and release fears and blockages. I left feeling empowered and transformed. I can’t thank Cosmic Serpent enough for this experience.”
~ Stephanie
November 2021 Retreat Guest

This retreat is for you if:

♡ You want to explore all sides of your divine feminine energy.

♡ You feel the call to reconnect to the way of the goddess.

♡ You desire to enhance your magnetism and inner glow.

♡ You’re ready to embrace a more sensual way of living rooted in pleasure, play and self-love.

♡ You desire to re-wild yourself and return to a more natural way of living in harmony with the Earth and your cycle.

♡ You’re ready to put yourself first, learn how to receive and fill up your own cup.

♡ You want to heal your relationship to the feminine by being in sisterhood with women who support, inspire and empower you.

♡ You want to redefine your relationship to rest and rediscover how slowing down is necessary and productive. 

♡ You want to deepen your connection to your intuition.

♡ You’re ready to see your body as a sacred temple to be worshipped.


“The Wild Goddess retreat is an incredible feminine spiritual adventure that every woman looking for connection should experience. Hosted by three beautiful goddesses all embodying what they teach. You will be held by the three who have spent years honing their craft and are there to help you get the most of your time. Whether that’s just awakening your practice, purging anything deep and coming out clean, learning about human design or being comfortable to open up and in safe feminine circles. I went in hoping to ignite my practice with Taylor, and left yearning to practice more frequently, awakened an inner child, physically lighter through reiki with Taylor & vocal tuning with Rachel, removing some anxiety and stresses that my body was holding from years of stressful work, and feeling stronger in my feminine body through the Medusa movements with Georgia.”
~ Rachael
May 2024 Retreat Guest

Rates + Room Options

~ Room rates are per person/per room and are in USD
~ $500 non-refundable deposit required to secure your spot
~ Rates are all inclusive of accommodation, all meals, taxi + boat transfers & the entire Wild Goddess retreat program
~ Share a room with a friend or another retreat guest

Shared Room Options

Deluxe Room - Open Air
$2,675 USD per person
(pre-release price)

  • 2 single beds

  • Eco-luxe open air palapa

  • Ocean views

  • Desk

  • Chair hammock

  • Private bathroom + safety box

  • Return taxi + boat transfers

  • Full Wild Goddess retreat program

Deluxe Room - Air Con
$2,815 USD per person
(pre-release price)

  • 2 single beds

  • Eco-luxe enclosed palapa with air con

  • Ocean views

  • Desk

  • Chair hammock

  • Private bathroom + safety box

  • Return taxi + boat transfers

  • Full Wild Goddess retreat program

Eco Chic Suite - Open Air
$3,305 USD per person
(pre-release price)

  • 2 full size beds

  • Spacious eco-luxe suite

  • Full ocean views

  • Zen chill space

  • Hammock + large private balcony

  • Private bathroom + safety box

  • Return taxi + boat transfers

  • Full Wild Goddess retreat program

Deluxe Room - Air Con
$2,900 USD

Private Room Options

Deluxe Room - Open Air
$3,270 USD private room
(pre-release price)

  • 1 king bed

  • Eco-luxe open air palapa

  • Ocean views

  • Chair hammock

  • Private bathroom

  • Safety box

  • Return taxi + boat transfers

  • Full Wild Goddess retreat program

Deluxe Room - Air Con
$3,550 USD private room
(pre-release price)

  • 1 king bed

  • Eco-luxe enclosed palapa with air con

  • Ocean views

  • Chair hammock

  • Private bathroom

  • Safety box

  • Return taxi + boat transfers

  • Full Wild Goddess retreat program

 Frequently asked questions

  • Yes! We welcome and encourage you to come on your own to the retreat. We create a welcoming environment and you will feel very at home. We have no doubt that the other retreat guests will quickly feel like your soul family.

  • You can choose to share a room with a friend or we will match you up with another solo retreat guest. This is an option on all our retreats and it works really well.

  • This retreat will include up to 20 guests and 3 hosts.

  • Xinalani is 12 miles from Puerto Vallarta and only accessible by boat. Return taxi transfers + boat rides from Puerto Vallarta Airport to Xinalani are included in the retreat ticket.

  • You will need to book a flight that arrives at Puerto Vallarta Airport before 4pm on Saturday 24th May 2025

    You will need to book a flight that departs Puerto Vallarta Airport after 12pm on Saturday 31st May 2024.

  • Beautiful! Lots of sun, blue skies and tropical vibes.

  • Yes! It’s totally normal to feel nervous. We understand that coming on a retreat like this can feel a little scary and intimidating. But, if you are feeling this we encourage you to lean into it, step out of your comfort zone and trust the uncertainty. It is our mission to create an inclusive and welcoming experience that will feel safe, supportive and empowering.

  • Xinalani can accommodate to any dietary requirements you might have.
    Please note that the menu for the week will include meat, seafood, vegetarian and vegan options. We know you will love it and it will leave you feeling nourished and inspired.

  • Yes. Outside of the retreat program there will be free time to each day to rest, connect, indulge in a spa treatment or explore the local area.

Things to note

Terms & Conditions:
~ Bookings close 5th May 2025.
~ All rates are in USD and are per person.
~ Non-refundable $500 deposit required to secure your spot.
~ Payment plans are available (pay for the retreat incrementally over time).
~ Final payment due on or before the 5th May 2025.

Cancellation Policy:
~ No refunds are given for change of mind however bookings are transferable. If you can no longer attend the retreat for whatever reason you can find someone to take your spot.
~ If you experience serious injury or illness that prohibits you from attending the retreat before 5th May 2025 a refund will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
~ If serious illness or injury occurs inside of the 5th of May 2025 that prohibits you from attending the retreat we will offer a credit note to attend a future Cosmic Serpent retreat.

More testimonials

“The Wild Goddess retreat was a truly transformative experience. I emerged from the retreat feeling more in tune with my body and soul than I ever have before, and I’m so grateful to have gotten to share such a nourishing and rejuvenating week with a tribe of incredible women from around the world.”
~ Megumi
May 2024 Retreat Guest

“The Cosmic Serpent retreat was undoubtedly the most transformative, empowering, and beautiful experience I have ever had in my life. It felt like I did a quantum leap in my growth and healing journey. Taylor, Georgia and Rachel put their whole hearts and more into creating this sacred container to embody the divine feminine. It is SO inspiring to be in their energy and other amazing women embracing their power. I felt loved, seen, and supported. I know I have a whole tribe of sisters that I’m connected to for life. Words cannot amount the gratitude I feel to have been able to partake in such magic!”
~ Kyli
May 2022 Retreat Guest

“Taylor, Georgia and Rach, thank you (beyond words) for offering your passions, craft, generosity and feminine spirit into the Wild Goddess retreat. I felt incredibly held by these women all week whilst we moved, sung and reflected on our life’s desires and stories that have shaped us into who we are. There was thoughtful attention and intention in classes, workshops and 1:1 experiences making the week incredibly meaningful. I would recommend this retreat to anyone wanting to reignite their innate goddess and form community with likeminded people! All my gratitude and love to you women!”
~ Lauren
2024 Retreat Guest

“In the days after returning home from the Wild Goddess Retreat I felt like I was floating back through life. The inner work I was able to do during the 7 luxurious nights was worth every penny. Also, the women who attended the retreat were from diverse backgrounds and were each incredible to connect with. The 3 leaders: Taylor, Georgia, and Rachel were all a perfect blend of talents to deliver a little bit of medicine in their own ways in each group session or just over lunch. I loved the schedule and free time to participate in activities at Xinalani. I see why they keep going back. The nature, flora, and fauna were one of a kind. My favorite moments were receiving reiki from Taylor, doing karaoke at night, and exploring the depths of white tantra with my fellow women. My upgraded eco suite was awesome, and everything fell into place! Thank you xoxo see you again.”
~ Julia
May 2024 Retreat Guest

“Taylor and Georgia truly cultivate a portal to transformation and release. Their yin and yang energies balance each other perfectly and come together to create an incredible energy and container to show up as your most authentic self. The level of connection that's fostered at the retreat is otherworldly and deeply authentic. They are both serving their unique divine medicine through movement, human design, and astrology. Georgia and Taylor have come together to create an experience where heaven and earth collide, and my soul could not be more free. I feel revitalised, seen, held, and deeply in touch with my inner worlds. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was the medicine I needed so badly without even realising it.”
~ Maria
2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 Retreat Guest

The Cosmic Serpent retreat was nothing short of life changing. I am convinced that this is truly one of the best investments that you can give yourself. The care that the Georgia, Taylor and Rachel put in to this retreat was so beautiful. From the yoga and movement classes, to the workshops and just plain fun, you will truly feel reborn. I was! The details, the community, the love and the lessons you learn on this retreat are truly priceless. You will feel at home with these women, at home at the beautiful Xinalani, and at home in the world itself. This retreat and the women involved remind you of your divinity! If you’re thinking about it, just do it - I promise, you couldn’t possibly regret it. You deserve this love! I will hold on to this experience and these friendships for years to come.”
~ Chrystyna
May 2022 Retreat Guest

“I loved the Wild Goddess Retreat. Taylor, Georgia, and Rachel clearly poured so much love into creating this experience for us all, and facilitated from the heart. For me, the retreat was a wonderful blend of relaxation, fun, movement, fluidity, connection and expansion. Xinalani is a stunning venue, with comfortable beds, amazing views, and delicious food. I left the retreat feeling invigorated, inspired, and with new friends from all around the world. It was such a wonderful gift to myself, and I would love to go on another Cosmic Serpent retreat sometime. If you feel the call to go on one of their retreats, I highly recommend you go for it.
~ Alice
2024 Retreat Guest

“I debated registering for this retreat as I was very hesitant to be away from my 2 year old daughter for a week. However the experience was so worth it. The movement classes, vocal activations and group sharing sessions really helped me reset, relax and feel unstuck. Tay, Rachel and Georgia put so much love into the experience, they made you feel safe and truly magical. Will recommend to all my girlfriends.”
~ Natalie
May 2024 Retreat Guest

“This retreat has given me love, new friends and so much courage to be myself, just the way I am. Rachel, Taylor and Georgia create a safe and sacred space to experiment, share and show up just the way you are. I will be back!”
~ Monika
2024 Retreat Guest

This was my second Cosmic Serpent retreat and they only went and did it again! My first Cosmic Serpent retreat in 2022 was when I was in the middle of a huge life transition and needed to figure a lot out and it was the catalyst to a huge life shift. Two years later and i’m in such an amazing place and am thriving in life, so I simply wanted to fill my own cup on this retreat. But the deeper work was there waiting for me, which I wasn’t even aware was happening until a few days in! It amazes me how the girls do it. They create such transformational spaces for people to go on their own journey of self discovery and inner work. They guide, but let us do it on our own too. I feel like I have a whole new outlook on what it is to be a woman. The women they brought together showcased just how magnificent, unique and vibrant a woman in her power can be. And how women from all corners of the world can connect and come together in the most beautifully supportive and loving way. Every practice, workshop and sharing circle felt like it reached into my soul, giving me a gentle nudge to be brave, explore and unleash my magnificent wild goddess. I could write a whole book about what I love about Cosmic Serpent retreats. But to sum it up; Taylor, Georgia and Rachel are not only hugely talented, inspirational women who I will forever be grateful to have met and shared space with, but now they feel like sisters for life. Thank you for helping me see my depth, diversity and potential, and having fun with me along the journey. Love you all endlessly.
~ Charlie
March 2022 & May 2024 Retreat Guest

“This was my second cosmic serpent retreat, both times I’ve gone into the week with little to no expectations around what I wanted out of it. I’m blown away by how well curated and gently led everything is. All of the girls end up feeling like sisters by the end of the week and there is such a feeling of belonging, acceptance and sisterhood between everybody, including the facilitators. I wish I could attend every retreat they do, every year.”
~ Taryn
2023 & 2024 Retreat Guest

“What truly set the Wild Goddess retreat apart was the remarkable power of Taylor, Rachel, and Georgia. Their combined wisdoms and feminine energies created an environment where we all felt safe to share, explore and work through challenges and joys. Each day was thoughtfully curated with a mix of physical activities and esoteric learnings, designed to empower us fully. From group discussions to intimate one-on-one services like reiki and tarot, each session was an opportunity to delve deeper into personal growth and healing. The carefully planned timetable ensured a balanced experience, giving us space to explore both physical and spiritual dimensions. As we journeyed through the week, it became evident that we were all sisters connected at the roots, sharing a timeless bond that transcends individual experiences. The retreat illuminated the cyclical nature of womanhood, an ever-evolving dance where we continuously discovered new facets of ourselves as we adapt with life. This unique energy, nurtured by our leaders, fostered deep connections between us all. We quickly bonded, forming a sisterhood of 20 best friends in just one week. We laughed, cried, and supported each other, unearthing profound insights about ourselves and each other. This retreat was a truly transformative process, one that I will cherish forever. It was a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. If you have the chance to join a Cosmic Serpent retreat seize it. It will be an experience that changes your life.”
~ Jessica
2024 Retreat Guest

The wild goddess
is calling…