Aries Season Astro Update

Welcome to Aries season

Collective Themes:
Ambition, Courage, Passion, Change

The sun has now entered Aries and will make its journey through this fiery sign until April 19th.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac marking the beginning of the astrological year. It is the youngest energy of the zodiac, and it brings a lot of determination, action, ambition and a little bit of recklessness into our lives.

We can expect to feel a lot more motivated, courageous and energetic, ready to take on new challenges. But, just like a child, Aries energy can make us more explosive and overall a bit more difficult.

It is a time to enjoy the change of season (Aries is the beginnings of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the south) and the feeling and amusement of youth, however I would personally avoid being overly spontaneous and impulsive.

This time we are surrounded by other big astrological events, like eclipse season and mercury retrograde that are meant to bring destined changes into our lives, changes that will surprise us and take us for a wild ride, so this is a time to be as happy as possible and growth oriented but keeping our passions and actions to ourselves.

Focus on harnessing your inner fire privately but don’t pour it out into the world until the energy surrounding us feels calmer and more stable.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
March 25th

We are having a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th.This will be the first full moon of the new astrological year. Eclipses bring FATED change and transformation into our lives, they feel chaotic, confusing and disruptive. Because they are meant to.

The energy of the eclipses removes the control (we think) we have over our lives for the universe to make better choices for us or adjust our paths according to our souls mission.

This is why during eclipse season a lot of relationships end or start, you can lose a job or find one, you might move unexpectedly or have some significant changes happen to you.

Remember, everything that happens during this time is part of the great plan. So let things come, go and rearrange themselves to improve your path. Stay confident in yourself and how the cosmos want you to develop.

Libra is a sign represented by The Justice Card in Tarot, it is now where the South Node lies. The South Node gives us a set of characteristics we should do our best to avoid, just like the North Node gives us a set of characteristics to embrace. The South Node being in Libra means we should avoid: people pleasing, not standing up for ourselves, failing to place boundaries, being too nice and not standing up for our needs, being unfair to ourselves or others.

What I believe this eclipse will bring is a lot of re-adjustments in relationships (Libra is ruled by Venus), if you have been failing to avoid all the characteristics previously mentioned, the universe will probably bring a big shake-up. The North Node is in Aries, so what we should embrace is: ambition, selfishness, work and entrepreneurship.

New moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
April 8th

On April 8th we are having a Solar Eclipse, and a New Moon in Aries. These energies combined feed off each other, making them more powerful. A New Moon signifies and brings about new beginnings. It is used for setting intentions, and planting seeds for the future. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, represents initiation, courage, and assertiveness.

When a solar eclipse happens during this time, it intensifies these energies, magnifying the potential for significant changes and breakthroughs. Don’t make huge decisions just yet, but unlike Lunar eclipses which mostly bring about internal change, solar eclipses bring external transformations, so they are a bit more obvious and dramatic and maybe it will be hard to avoid making big decision. These shifts and events will align with the themes of the sign they occur in.

In this case, with Aries, expect developments related to individuality, self-expression, work, ambition and personal growth.

Eclipse season
What to expect and how to work with it

Remember, eclipses don’t bring immediate change, but they bring about events that develop through time into bigger, key aspects of our lives. Nevertheless, you can expect to understand what the change will be about immediately, so stay watchful and analytical. Avoid doing magic or trying to manifest during eclipses as you will only harness chaotic energy that is very difficult to control. Also, avoid surgeries at all costs and signing big contracts until after they have passed. Instead, rest, go inwards, move slowly and gracefully let things go that are asking to be released.

Key planetary transits:

Mercury Retrograde

We will go through the first Mercury Retrograde of the year beginning on April 1st and ending April 24th, but remember we can feel its effects two weeks earlier from the initial date (pre-shadow) and two weeks after the ending date (post-shadow).

This Mercury retrograde will be happening in the sign of Aries, while we are also in Aries Season, we are having a New Moon in Aries and the North Node is also in Aries.

To me this means that the usual shenanigans that come with Mercury retrograde (issues with travel, communication, people coming back from the past, general conflicts and inconvenient) will be a lot more intense and a bit dangerous if we are not focusing on avoiding impulsivity. Mercury is a merry prankster normally, a trickster, but Aries is the God of War, so the difficulty of this transit will be heavier.

Venus in Pisces

Venus entered Pisces on March 11 where it will remain until April 5. Venus in Pisces might bring a positivity that can play in our favour. Off course, the planet of love being merged with the energy of the dreamiest sign can bring about some delusions, idealizations and confusions.

But honestly, it can also bring a lot of emotional depth, creativity, empathy and spiritual connections. This is a time when we will benefit by being vulnerable and not being afraid to bare our souls and to reach into the hearts of others.

Be understanding, compassionate and deep. Strive for a balance between dreams and reality, but enjoy and romanticize your every day life. The only planet that won’t retrograde in 2024 is Venus, so we can find a lot of progress when it comes to love and material possessions.

Written by our resident astrologer Marielle Ballesteros.


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