Reclaiming the wild goddess within

“Breath flows in, breath flows out, traveling always the curving path of the Goddess. Breath flows spontaneously of it’s own will. Thus all breathing beings continually give reverence to Her. Be conscious of this unconscious prayer for She is the most holy place of pilgrimage.”
- The Radiance Sutras

Goddess Energy. It’s 2023 so let’s be honest, if you’re paying attention you’ve likely heard this phrase a lot. I don’t blame you if it feels cringey to hear it, and I would also completely understand if the word evoked something ancient, mysterious and wondrous within you.

For thousands of years, this energy was the cornerstone of humanity's relationship with each other, the earth and the divine. In the past few thousand years, this energy was systematically eradicated from most civilizations as we know them.

The divine feminine is wild and sovereign unto itself, as well as deeply rooted in community and empathy and that energy has threatened many people who hunger for control. There is a balance that is slowly returning, and it is rooted in a remembering of the divine feminine energy that runs through all things. 

So what is “Goddess energy” really, and why do we at Cosmic Serpent choose to honor it?

Across the planet all cultures have at some point honored the Goddess. From Isis to Athena, Inanna to Lakshimi, Kali to Kuan Yin, this energy has shaped and inspired societies for as long as we can remember. She of 10,000 names, the infinite creative womb, the divine feminine life force energy. As we choose to honor and revere the Goddess now, we honor our authentic selves as women.

Goddess energy can show up in how you hold yourself, the power you exude, your softness, your strength, you wildness, your primal self, your emotions, your voice,  your creative expression. When we talk about the “Wild Goddess” and a return to the Divine Feminine way of being, this is what we mean. It’s accessing the parts of yourself that are intrinsically connected to the Earth and all of creation. The aspects and elements of you that thrive in community, and in communion with nature.

I suppose there has always been a part of me who held reverence for the goddess, even if I wasn’t always aware of it. This divine feminine shakti lifeforce has guided my being throughout my lifetime. I was raised by a mother who had great reverence for the goddess and I credit this to my ease and familiarity with Her. Statues of Kuan Yin, Isis, and Sekhmet adorned the altars of my childhood home. I grew up listening to Loreena Mckinnet and Goddess prayers. The trees were my church and I never quite understood that I couldn’t one day visit the isle of Avalon. 

The Goddess is the primordial feminine life force, and my dedication to her has been a lifetimes long pursuit. I was twenty-four when a stranger came up to me in the tiny town I lived in on Maui. She was an older woman, wearing glitter on her forehead and shining like a firefly. When she saw me, she started to shake. I didn’t know this at the time, but what was happening was that kriya, or lifeforce energy was circulating through her body at a rapid rate. I only know this because it happens to me ever since my Kundalini awakening.

The woman spoke to me through her bodies ecstatic release of energy, urging me to listen. She told me that I am a Priestess of Isis, that my soul is of a lineage that has incarnated on earth time and time again as an Initiate and reflection of the great Goddess. I had never heard of this but something resonated deep in my soul. I knew that my life was in some way dedicated to the goddess, and it was my job to show up and honor this relationship. 

This encounter created a ripple effect, a resurgence of divine energy working through me. To me, like sex, working with the goddess is an immensely personal or intimate experience. It is a holy thing. To be in service to the Goddess is to walk the path of divine union, the goddess and her god, yin/yang, energy and form, finite/infinite. To be in service to the goddess is to be in service to the earth, women, children, the divine masculine, creativity, and life force energy. It is to remember balance within and without. 

To be in devotion to the Goddess, is something that can be incorporated into your daily rituals and awareness. It doesn’t have to look any particular way, and while it is sacred it doesn’t have to always be so serious.

This is an energy that can be accessed, expressed and woven into your experience of your life. Let it be fun, let it be sensual, let it be rageful, let it be messy, let it be whatever it needs to be. Let Her teach you. There is no right or wrong way. As you reconnect to the Goddess within & all around you, life starts to open up in miraculous ways. Connections form, creations stir, and the rhapsody and symphony of existence seems to shine a little more boldly. You begin to realize without a shadow of a doubt that you are infinitely supported, that your very being is an expression of the divine. 

Ways to reclaim the wild goddess energy within you:

Movement: Yoga, ecstatic dance, chi gong - any way that you can tap into the feminine essence through your movement connects you to the Goddess. Moving your body as you stretch, shake your hips, and feel the sensual energy coursing up your spine. Intuitive and serpentine movements do wonders to awaken the Shakti life force energy & infuse your movement with magic. Practice vinyasa yoga with Taylor here or get your body moving with a Medusa Movement practice with Georgia here.

Divination/oracle cards: In your exploration of Goddess energy you might feel very drawn to specific goddesses at different times in your life. You might feel guided or particularly watched over by one or a few Goddesses. It is my experience that this energy is curious and ever present, unconditionally loving and though not always comfortable, safe. You can find great wisdom through consulting oracle decks. Alana Fairchild has a beautiful selection of individual Goddess decks to receive deeper wisdom. We also love: The Goddess Oracle Deck

Indulge in your senses: As you luxuriate in silks, eat delicious dark chocolate, stop and smell the roses, take long baths, self-pleasure, adorn yourself and cultivate the goddess energy within - you give reverence with every conscious action. You allow yourself to be in the dance as a woman in devotion to the divine. Bring the Goddess into this space, and allow the energy to supercharge all of what you do.

Reconnect to your voice: Re-learning that it’s safe to speak our truth, make noise and express ourselves is a big part of reclaiming our goddess energy. We are all natural singers with unique voices and opinions that deserve to be heard. Activating your throat chakra through singing, chanting and simply making noise allows you to overcome any barriers around speaking up for yourself or expressing your authentic nature. Singing is also a form of internal sound healing and using your own inner vibrations can help you to harmonise your being from the inside. Try a simple vocal activation practice with Rachel here.

Immerse yourself in nature: For thousands of years, the Goddess based religions of earth understood that nature itself was our greatest temple and our mentor. Get quiet and meditate with the earth herself. Give her the thoughts, feelings, emotions that you no longer desire. This offering is food for her, and she wants to help you transform you. Gaia offers so much life and bounty as well as death and decay. This is the beauty of the Goddess, the divine feminine. She is not one shade of what being feminine is, she is all the colors, she is the full spectrum of change and possibility. Let yourself observe and submerge in nature, recognizing it as a reflection of the interconnectedness of all life.

Embrace the cyclical nature of life: Cycles, seasons, this is the sacred feminine. You can become intimate with your own cycles by learning and tracking your menstrual cycle. Notice when you bleed - is it near the new or full moon? Does your cycle shift or is it like clockwork? When do you ovulate? Learning this will help connect you to the deeper cycles of life. If you are no longer menstruating you can follow the changing cycle of the moon each month.

Ritual and awareness: Creating some form of ritual around your practices where you offer an incantation or silently speak within, or speak to yourself helps to create even more of a relationship to the Goddess or the specific Goddess you’re connecting to. Ask permission, call upon the energy, consciously connect and surrender to the Goddess. Adding song, art, anything that feels authentic to you can help you create a personal and unique relationship to the great Archetypal goddess and your own expression of that essence.

Gather and connect with other women: In almost all ancient cultures, women gathering together in support, solidarity and friendship was considered both sacred and necessary for a healthy and thriving society. Today, in our modern busy lives, this has been lost. With the dominance of the patriarchy and a more masculine way of being, we have also seen more competitiveness and comparison amongst women. Gathering together, we work to heal the sister wound and offer loving support to one another. We create a safe space to share our experiences and empower one another to work with our feminine energy rather than against it.

Reclaiming the goddess within has been life changing for us at Cosmic Serpent so we created a retreat that can empower you to reclaim the goddess within too.

Want to come shed layers, unite in sisterhood and embrace your own wild, divine feminine nature on a private beach in Mexico?

Then our Wild Goddess retreat is calling your name.

Join us and 16 other powerful women for a healing, sacred and transformative 8 day journey in paradise.

May 25th - June 1st 2024.

Discover more here


Aries Season Astro Update


Heal through Movement & Music