Cosmic Serpent Ceremonial Cacao & Medicinal Mushroom Elixir

Cacao is a divine, celestial drink, the sweat of the stars, the vital seed, divine nectar, the drink of the gods and a universal medicine.

Cacao and medicinal mushrooms are ancient plant medicines that have changed the lives of all of us cosmic serpent sisters. It’s no coincidence that all three of us felt a deep calling to the beautiful land of Mexico and an eagerness to learn about Mexican culture and the ceremonial traditions of ancient civilisations with plant medicine, something we are very passionate about sharing on our Retreats.

Ceremonial Cacao is an ancient plant medicine, a heart opener, wisdom keeper and guide who unlocks powerful universal knowledge from within you. - Spirit of cacao

The history of Cacao

Cacao was originally discovered by the Olmecs (the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilisation) in 1500 B.C. and has been a staple in the Mayan and Aztec cultures for centuries, cacao had a place in these empires as a sacred, elite, and ritualistic plant. Present in Aztec mythology, cacao was often used in sacrificial ceremonies to lift the spirits of the soon to be sacrificed.

The word cacao  originated from the Maya word Ka'kau',  as well as the  Maya words Chocol'ha. The verb chokola'j means 'to drink chocolate together'.

The Mexica believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency.

Why is cacao a plant medicine?

Cacao blurs the line between food and medicine.

Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants and magnesium of any food in the world. Raw Cacao is rich in zinc, chromium, theobromine, vitaminC, iron, copper, tryptophan, manganese, omega-6 fatty acids, serotonin, and more. Cacao is a highly effective natural energy enhancer and produces a slow hum of sustainable energy rather then a rapid spike that is experienced in coffee.

Cacao also contains PEA, a chemical that we produce in our bodies when we fall in love. PEAs also play a role in increasing focus and alertness. Anandamide is an endorphin that the human body naturally produces after exercise. Anandamide is known as the bliss chemical as it is released while we are feeling joy. It has only been found in one plant - Cacao.

Our Cacao & medicinal mushroom Elixir recipe:

Makes 2 small serves or 1 large cup 🤎

  • 1 cup (8oz) of filtered water

(Warm on stove top then add cacao)

Let it melt: add

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

  • a pinch on cayenne pepper

  • One teaspoon of Manuka honey

  • A pinch of sea salt

  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (inside out, Annie’s orchard are my fave) /water can be used alternatively but will be less creamy.

Use a whisk & combine ingredients

WARM don’t boil (the cacao is raw you don’t want to burn it otherwise it looses its nutritional value)

Blend with a soup blender or put in your blender (but make sure it’s not too hot or full or it will explode under the pressure!)

Optional medicinal mushrooms:

  • half a teaspoon of lions mane from superfeast : Focus | Memory | Stress Relief

  • Half a a teaspoon of turkey tail from superfeast : Super Immunity

(These two I find don’t affect the taste of the cacao- the lions mane actually adds a bit of a malt flavour)

I also take the mushroom m8 superfeast capsules at the same time which include 8 other medicinal mushrooms & don’t affect the taste of my cacao.

Makes two delicious cups of cacao, for you to share with a loved one in ceremony

How to sit in ceremony:

The intention is the holding and protecting container and sets the tone of your cacao ritual or ceremony. Questions you may ask yourself: Why am I sitting in Ceremony? What aspect do I wish to explore? In what area do I wish to receive clarity, ease, joy? 

Here are some examples:

  • I receive joy.

  • I let go of ... to create more space for ...

  • I open to connect with the Spirit.

  • I open to receive clarity on this topic.

  • I open to explore creativity. 

  • My intention is to create a space for dreaming.

  • My intention is get in touch with my heart.


  • Connect with your intention and open the sacred space by stating: 'I hereby open the Sacred Space'. 

  • Connect with your heart. Invite Cacao into your heart and into your space. Call in the medicine. 


  • Open to receive. Meditate, dream, paint, journal, play instruments, explore nature, move consciously, be silent or creative. Allow answers, symbols and feelings to arise from within.

  • Drink water.


  • Breathe deeply and allow the experiences to flow into your roots and to settle into your body.

  • Connect with your intention.  Speak words from the heart and express gratitude. Give thanks to Spirit and the forces you've invited and allow them to leave the Space: "I thank the Spirit of Cacao, the forces of Nature and Source. Thank you for your love and guidance."

  • Close the Space by stating: "I hereby close the Space." 

Experience a Cacao Ceremony on our next Retreat in Mexico!

We’re less then two months away from our Wild Goddess Retreat in Mexico where you can expeirence a cacao ceremony held by a local shaman on the beautiful beach of Xinalani. Click the flyer below to find out all the details

with all the heart opening love,

Georgia xxx


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