Capricorn Full Moon

The Capricorn Full Moon (Strawberry Moon) on June 21st, 2024, offers a unique opportunity for reflection and growth. This celestial event coincides with the Summer and Winter Solstices (marking the longest and shortest days of the year) and a major seasonal change.

This alignment brings a powerful mix of energies that can help us align our long-term goals with our emotional needs.

Connect to the values you hold most important and allow yourself to really see how these values already show up in your life. This is an amazing moon to mark how far you’ve come, and recommit to the new and expanded vision you see for yourself for the second half of 2024.

This full moon on the summer/winter solstice can help you to imagine new ways of being, and see beyond the mundane into what’s possible. This is an expansive yet grounded moon. It asks us to dream big and then ground those dreams into a plan of action.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is all about discipline, ambition, and structure. This full moon highlights our achievements and areas where we need to put in more effort. With the sun in Cancer, ruled by the moon, there's a need to balance our emotional and mystical lives with our practical ambitions.

The solstice marks a profound moment to acknowledge our growth and set intentions for the second half of the year, ensuring our inner and outer worlds are in harmony.


Lunar Goal Mapping: Create a map of your long-term goals, drawing a timeline from now until the end of the year. Highlight key milestones and visualize each step clearly.

Earth Connection Ritual: Spend the evening of the full moon in nature. Lay down on the earth and meditate on your connection to it. Feel its support and grounding energy.

Vision Candle Ceremony: Write your goals on a piece of paper and place it under a white candle. Light the candle and meditate on your vision as the flame burns, symbolizing your intentions being sent out into the universe.

Herbal Bath: Prepare a bath with Epsom salts, lavender, and rosemary. As you soak, visualize any stress or negativity dissolving away, leaving you refreshed and grounded.

Root Chakra Dance: Put on some music with a strong beat and dance with the intention of grounding yourself. Focus on your feet connecting with the earth and feel your stability growing with each step.

Releasing Fire Ritual: Write down any limiting beliefs or habits on slips of paper. Safely burn them in a fireproof bowl, visualizing the smoke carrying away what no longer serves you.

Connect in Sacred Circle: Join our Online Moon Circle to bring in the new season and celebrate the full moon with community! 

Moonlit Yoga: Practice yoga under the full moon. Focus on poses that open and align your body, such as tree pose or mountain pose, to enhance your connection to the earth and the lunar energy.


Balance Work and Emotions: As this is at the Capricorn and Cancer axis, we must balance our deep feeling hearts and souls with our more task oriented, go- getter energy of Capricorn. 

Make sure you're not overworking and neglecting your emotional well-being. Balance is key. Patience and Persistence: Remember that success often requires consistent effort. Stay committed to your goals.

Boundaries: Evaluate your personal and professional boundaries. Strengthen them where needed to maintain healthy relationships.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the Solstice and beginning of Cancer season is a powerful time to align your ambitions with your inner wisdom.
Use this energy to create a solid foundation for your future endeavors. Blessings.

Join our Capricorn Full Moon Online Circle:
Friday 21st June, 5pm Mexico City time
Save your spot here.


The Art of Slow Living


Cancer Season Astro Update