Cancer Season Astro Update

We have officially made it! Welcome to the watery season of the celestial crab. Maybe i’m biased because i’m a Cancer sun, but it feels damn good to arrive in this season that honours self-care, duality, intuition, emotional awareness, heart-centered living, and being our most witchy and whimsical selves.

This also means we’re now half way through the calendar year celebrating the Summer and Winter solstices on opposite sides of the globe.

Cancer season begins on June 21st and ends on July 22nd, bringing with it a much needed energy of renewal, introspection, and compassion.

Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon. It invites a plunge into our emotional depths and inner world. We will notice ourselves tending to our emotions, nurturing our connections, and creating safe spaces for ourselves and our loved ones. During the next four weeks we are asked to soften and tend to the matters closest to our hearts.

Cancer is cardinal sign meaning there’s also an energy of fresh starts and ambition in the air and for this reason it’s linked to the Chariot card in the Tarot.

This season is highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security. It’s a time to reflect on our roots, nurture our relationships, and seek emotional balance. Cancer encourages us to honor our need for comfort, set healthy boundaries and to create environments that support our well-being. 


  1. Emotional Renewal: It’s more than ok to cry during the season of the crab. Do a somatic practice that leaves you tear streaked and renewed on your yoga mat. Make yourself a nature nest by some water and let your inner mystic muse. Allow yourself to feel deeply and honor your emotions. Engage in practices that promote emotional healing, such as meditation, journaling, or therapy.

  2. Get sensual: Reconnect to yourself through sensual self-love practices. Brew up a decadent cup of cacao, light some candles and your favourite incense, put on your lingerie and dance in front of the mirror to our Cancer Season playlist. It’s a little moody and lot funky. Thank us later.

  3. Nurturing Connections: How much more deeply can you open to your friends, family and community? Can you create the space for deepening your connections and holding space, as well as giving them the opportunity to support you? Talk to friends on the phone. Call your mom. The people who love you want to love and be loved by you. Communicate openly and authentically, and offer your care and compassion to those around you.

  4. Self-Care: Think face masks and herbal tea, blessed little nature walks, mindful moments by the sea or bodies of water and time spent laying in bed reading that faerie romantasy series you keep hearing the girlies gushing over. Allow this cancer season to fill your cup. Spend hours cooking food for the people you love. Focus on self-pleasure as self-love. Girl moss. Think comfort over everything.

  5. Digital Detox: Doom scrolling has no place here. Get nostalgic. Do the things you loved when you were a kid. Reassess your current relationship to technology. If it makes you feel bad, cut it out. Do some yoga in the grass and reconnect with yourself, your inner voice and your heart. A digital detox can help you cultivate presence and reduce stress, allowing you to fully embrace the nurturing energy of Cancer season.

  6. Balancing Ambition and Rest: Use the two Full Moons in Capricorn (June 21st + July 21st) to reassess your goals and responsibilities. Capricorn, ruled by Daddy Saturn, can help you see where you need to balance your duties with your desire to dive into the watery depths of nurturing cancer season. This is an amazing time to get clear on your goals and determine your values and vision for the next six months of 2024. Strive for a balance between your professional ambitions and your need for rest and rejuvenation.

  7. Practice Moon Rituals: Join us for our Full moon in Capricorn and New Moon in Cancer online women’s circles on June 21st and July 5th. Here we explore the themes of each moon and share helpful practices to best work with these celestial energies. Read our Moon Ritual suggestions here.

  8. Create Healthy Boundaries: Cancer reminds us that it’s ok to set boundaries that protect your energy. Practice saying no to things that you don’t want to do this season. Honour your need to rest. Honour your need to be alone.


The full moon in Capricorn on June 21st illuminates our ambitions, responsibilities, legacy and long-term goals. This lunation encourages us to find balance between our professional and personal lives, recognizing where we need to release control or restructure our plans. It’s a powerful time for manifesting practical outcomes and letting go of emotional burdens. Read more about this full moon here.

We have a rare two full moons in Capricorn this year: The Strawberry Moon on June 21 and the Buck Moon on July 21.

Remember, full moons are a time of illumination and transmutation. They bring to the light anything that is holding you back so that you can release it and begin a new cycle.

On July 5th we have the new moon in Cancer, which could feel bright and whimsical while simultaneously being fertile ground to make your dreams come true. This lunation supports new beginnings in our personal lives, encouraging us to cultivate nurturing environments and prioritize self-care. New moons are a time of introspection and manifestation where we go inwards plant the seeds for what we want to grow.

On July 1st, Venus enters Leo, infusing our relationships, physical beauty, and opportunities with a regal, glamorous, bold, and confident energy until August 4.

Mercury is in Cancer until July 2nd, and its journey through Cancer enhances our intuitive and emotional communication. Conversations during this period may be more heartfelt and nurturing, focusing on personal connections and emotional needs. Pay attention to matters of the heart, and remember to drop into this space when you’re relating to loved ones. Have those heartfelt conversations you’ve been meaning to have. It’s a good time for journaling, self-reflection, and honest discussions with loved ones.

Mercury moves into Leo on July 2nd marking a time to express yourself boldly and uniquely. This period encourages you to communicate with confidence, making it ideal for sharing your creative ideas and speaking your mind without hesitation. Clarity and assertiveness will be your allies, as Leo's energy favors straightforward and bold exchanges. Take the opportunity to show appreciation and recognize the efforts of others; Leo thrives on admiration. Embrace ambitious thinking and set high goals, as this is a perfect time for brainstorming grand plans. However, while confidence is key, remember to stay humble and avoid coming across as arrogant.


- What does home feel like to me?
- How can I experience and express home within myself?
- How can I connect to the energy of “sanctuary” in my daily life and bring more of that into my tangible world?
- What emotions am I feeling the most strongly on a regular basis?
- Where do I feel them in my body?
- What emotions have I been avoiding or suppressing?
- When have I felt deeply connected to my emotions, and how might I more deeply connect to myself and my emotional world?

Let the linear mind go and practice creative writing and intuitive writing. Let your emotions speak for you, through you and to you. You might be surprised what comes out this season.


Capricorn Full Moon


Welcome to Taurus Season