Welcome to Taurus Season

Greetings cosmic creatures and welcome to the sensually stimulating realm of Taurus season, a time to slow down and relish in all the earthly pleasures this world has on offer.

Maybe its because I’m a Taurus moon & rising.. but I have already felt big shifts in my nervous system since moving out of the fiery & action oriented Aries season. I feel more calm, secure & content with not doing! This season I’m ready for more baths with beautiful inner.states essential oils, more time out soaking up nature, and more ease in my life as I practice choosing what my body needs, saying no… and not feeling guilty about it! But enough from me, let’s hear more about this Astro update from our resident Astrologer Marielle Ballesteros.

Taurus season starts on April 19th and ends on May 20th. Taurus is a fixed earth sign known for its determination & practicality as well as its deep desire for financial stability & security in relationships, career and your home.

In Tarot, Taurus is represented by The Hierophant card in the major arcana, a card that illuminates tradition, authority, and leadership within a community.

Beliefs  ✷  Sacred Knowledge  ✷  Ritual

When you explore your beliefs, you enter the school of The Hierophant. 

As you can see in this card a woman is outfitted with a halo and triple sceptre, and enacting a sign of blessing, the Hierophant represents sacred knowledge, tradition, and spirituality. The Hierophant is a spiritual guide, an energy you can invoke when exploring your own spiritual and moral beliefs. Ritual and tradition are an important part of this journey for you, but this card can also ask you to challenge the beliefs passed down to you and question whether they align with your own inner wisdom. 


We should not forget however that Taurus is also a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so it carries a sensual energy, that loves comfort and pleasure in every form (food, places, people, etc.) This is a great time to seek grounding by spending time in nature and reconnecting with friends that you feel comfortable just being with.

Remember, Taurus is an earth sign after all and has a strong connection to the physical world, the senses, and the physical body. Dare to relax and satisfy whatever your body is aching for, without losing your ground or your focus. It can be easy to over indulge and invest in too many earthly pleasures this season so be sure to watch “treating yo self” a little too much & only spend when it feels safe to do so, perhaps as a reward for reaching your desired financial goal for the week!

Try to stay persistent, patient and smart with your money. Be consistent with your goals, and you will reap the benefits that will lead to long-lasting results. We can also make it a priority to balance the both energies of the season: The indulgence with the stability, the work with the play.

Now is a time to begin taking a more practical approach to lives challenges, making a methodical, slow and steady progress. Your energy will be best spent focusing on tangible matters, or building a sense of security & wholeness in your life.

NOTE TO SELF: Taurus, like every sign also has its shadows & isn’t represented by the bull for no reason! Be sure to carve out quality time for meaningful interactions with your friends & community and be aware of the impressions you have with those around you, try to avoid stubbornness and quick temper.

Full Moon in Scorpio

We are having a Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd. Even when it feels a bit daunting, this is honestly one of the best signs for a Full Moon to happen in, given that Scorpio is represented in Tarot by the Death card, which signifies transformations, endings and new beginnings and Full Moons are all about letting go, cleansing and the end of a cycle. The Death card is also a card that somehow represents abundance in a way, as decaying bodies fertilize the ground for new seeds to grow.

This Moon happens right after Mercury in Retrograde is over in the last week of the year in which we are free of retrogrades, so be sure to utilize this energy to cleanse, get rid of all toxic cycles or patterns that were presented to us during the eclipse season and fertilize the ground for new endeavors with all that needs to be removed from your life.

New moon in Taurus

On May 8th we are having a New Moon in Taurus, which is just the energy we need after all the transformation that has been happening both inside and outside after eclipse season. This New Moon will be best used by doing rituals (yes! It’s finally safe to do them) and manifesting the next steps of our lives. Remember, Taurus energy is one of the best when it comes to achieving our goals in a slow and steady manner, by enjoying every step of the journey while we succeed. Rejoice in your own power and believe in the fantastic live you will create by taking small steps towards it. 

Key planetary transits including retrogrades

The last Mercury Retrograde of the year!

The end of Mercury Retrograde is finally here, on April 24th. Of course there is still a post-shadow period that lasts for another two weeks but the energy of chaos, accidents and obstacles will start to diminish noticeably. Seven days later after the end of Mercury Retrograde, on May 2nd, Pluto enters retrograde. These seven days are the last days of 2024 in which there will be no retrogrades, so try to make big decisions, cleansing and let go of everything that you don't need during that time in which we will find the least resistance. Still, retrogrades don't mean the end of the world, as they allow us to reconsider and think about the big picture and are often very necessary and welcome. 

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunct in Taurus

On April 20th right at the start of Taurus season we will have a very lucky planetary alignment. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, good luck and healing, and Uranus is the planet of chaos and disruption, Taurus is ruled by Venus (the planet of love but also abundance), so very lucky things can happen in our lives. I could call this transit the “lottery winner” transit, and it can abruptly improve any part of your life, specially if there is anything in your chart in Taurus in 21 degrees.

Venus in Taurus

Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, where it will remain until May 23rd. This is a very lucky transit, as Taurus is in the house of its ruler. This means the spring is going to make us blossom too. After all the endings or conflict that might have arisen in the past few weeks when it comes to love, this will be a time of enjoyment and happiness. If your relationship survived eclipse season, you can now have a very happy, romantic and sensual time with your partner. If you are single, your self-esteem might begin to increase and maybe the universe will bring someone new into your life. Have fun, feel, invest in your beauty and surroundings to bring more peace into your life.

Mars enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on April 30th, where it will remain until June 9th. This is a good and invigorating transit, as Aries is in the house of its ruler. To have this transit when retrograde season begins is fortunate, retrogrades naturally slow us down and Mars, the planet of action will get a kick from the juvenile, hard-working, fiery energy of Aries. This will help us stay motivated and driven. Remember, Mars is also the planet of War, so beware of impulsivity and always think about the consequences of your actions.


Our Wild Goddess Retreat is just a month away now and we only have one final room available! The beautiful eco chic suite with a King bed and views of the ocean. If all this talk about slowing down, treating yourself to the earthly pleasures & relishing in the sensual practices of the Goddess have lit something up in YOU then perhaps this is a sign, to join us for Gemini season.

A little sneak peak into our


The gift bags all the Goddesses will receive on our next retreat with a few of our favourite Ritual essentials.

Elevate your well-being with harmonious layers of wood, citrus, and floral notes, guiding you towards a state of relaxation and rejuvenation, leaving you with an overall sense of goodness.

Essential oils of: Cedarwood Chinese, Cedarwood Atlas, Budhawood, Ho Leaf, Patchouli, Galbanum, Geranium Bourbon, Palma Rosa, Petigrain, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang & Black pepper

Cosmic Serpent Tote bags

We’re in the process of creating our first drop of Cosmic Serpent merchandise featuring the incredible designs from a local Mexican artist Ana Hernández. Each guest on our retreat will receive a complimentary Cosmic Serpent tote bag to keep all their retreat/Mexico memorabilia safe.

Palo Santo

Our gift bags always feature this sacred smudge stick. Palo Santo translates to the “holy wood” and has been used for centuries by medicine man and woman of South America both in ritual and healing. Once burned, its aroma and smoke are used for clearing negative energy both in the body and in space. Palo santo is said to elevate the vibration and bring good luck and harmony as well as facilitate change in mood.

Shakti Shimmer Body oil

This reiki infused body oil is homemade by Rachel, your Retreat guide herself. This is an all natural super nourishing shimmer body oil sented with bergamot, vanilla & ylang ylang.

Lather your skin with sparkles & gold and feel yourself GLOW like the goddess you are.” - Rachel Kadison

All the cosmic love,

xxx Georgia


Cancer Season Astro Update


Cosmic Serpent Ceremonial Cacao & Medicinal Mushroom Elixir